


De l'ancien français enticier.


Temps Forme
Infinitif to entice
Présent simple,
3e pers. sing.
Prétérit enticed
Participe passé enticed
Participe présent enticing
voir conjugaison anglaise

entice transitif

  1. Attirer, provoquer le désir ou l'espoir, attiser, appâter, aguicher.
    • Blackboard sketches, geological maps, diagrams of molecular structure, astronomical photographs, MRI images, the many varieties of statistical charts and graphs: These pictorial devices are indispensable tools for presenting evidence, for explaining a theory, for telling a story. And, on top of all that, they are ornaments; they entice and intrigue and sometimes delight.  (American Scientist, « Pixels or Perish »)
  2. Tenter.


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