


Étymologie manquante ou incomplète. Si vous la connaissez, vous pouvez l’ajouter en cliquant ici.


Temps Forme
Infinitif to stamp
Présent simple,
3e pers. sing.
Prétérit stamped
Participe passé stamped
Participe présent stamping
voir conjugaison anglaise

stamp \stæmp\ transitif ou intransitif

  1. (Intransitif) Taper du pied.
    • Tell the child to stop stamping.
  2. (Transitif) Taper (du pied).
    • He stamped his foot on the ground in annoyance.
  3. Estamper.
    • This machine stamps out special commemorative coins.
  4. Estampiller.
    • This document needs to be stamped to be official.
  5. Étamper.
    • The mark of the engraver was stamped on the ring.
  6. Timbrer.
    • The company has stamped the document with its logo.
  7. Tamponner.
    • He stamped the tobacco into the pipe.


Nom commun


stamp \stæmp\

  1. Cachet, marque.
    • He placed his personal stamp on the document.
  2. Timbre, timbre à cachet.
    • The king placed his personal stamp on the wax seal of the letter.
  3. Timbre-poste, timbre.
    • The letter needs a stamp.
  4. Estampe.
    • The government has a special paper stamp for merchandise for which the tax has been paid.
  5. Estampille.
    • This printed stamp indicates that the merchandise is of high quality.
  6. Vignette.
    • He gave the child some little stamps to stick onto her books.


Vocabulaire apparenté par le sens

  • label
  • tag
  • sticker
  • postmark: The post office postmarks the letter to indicate when and where it was mailed.
  • stamp (timbre): The letter needs a stamp before it can be mailed.


  • (Royaume-Uni) : écouter « stamp [stæmp] »
  • États-Unis  : écouter « stamp [stæmp] »
  • Suisse (Genève) : écouter « stamp »


Forme de verbe

stamp \Prononciation ?\

  1. Première personne du singulier du présent de stampen.


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