Nom commun
Singulier | Pluriel |
outline \ˈaʊt.laɪn\ |
outlines \ˈaʊt.laɪnz\ |
outline \ˈaʊt.laɪn\
- Abrégé, sommaire.
- Situation – provide a brief outline of the situation or setting Task – outline what you did Action – outline how you did it, and Result – describe the outcomes. — (Christian aid: Programme Funding Officer, Radio Okapi, 31 mai 2013)
- Contour.
- She used the shadow of the object to trace its outline.
- Silhouette.
- The artist sketched the outline of the model.
- Esquisse.
- She presented an outline of the proposed program.
Vocabulaire apparenté par le sens
Temps | Forme |
Infinitif | to outline \ˈaʊt.laɪn\ |
Présent simple, 3e pers. sing. |
outlines \ˈaʊt.laɪnz\ |
Prétérit | outlined \ˈaʊt.laɪnd\ |
Participe passé | outlined \ˈaʊt.laɪnd\ |
Participe présent | outlining \ˈaʊt.laɪn.ɪŋ\ |
voir conjugaison anglaise |
outline \ˈaʊt.laɪn\ transitif
- Esquisser.
- Résumer, abréger.
- Situation – provide a brief outline of the situation or setting Task – outline what you did Action – outline how you did it, and Result – describe the outcomes. — (Christian aid: Programme Funding Officer, Radio Okapi, 31 mai 2013)
- États-Unis : écouter « outline [ˈaʊt.laɪn] »
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