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Nature Forme
Positif dinky
Comparatif dinkier
\ˈdɪŋ.ki.ɚ\ ou \ˈdɪŋ.ki.ə\
Superlatif dinkiest

dinky \ˈdɪŋ.ki\

  1. (Royaume-Uni) (Familier) Mignon ; petit et attirant.
    • How do you like my hat? That one you had on in church yesterday was real dinky.  (Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of the Island, ch. 11, 1915)
      Comment trouves-tu mon chapeau ? Celui que tu avais sur la tête à l’église hier était vraiment mignon.
  2. (États-Unis) (Familier) Rikiki ; petit et insignifiant.
    • “I moved around the right-rear corner of the car and looked around. I saw the guy was using a pistol. Your man Wilson explained that to me—that was lucky, too. I wasn’t real crazy about taking an AK on with a dinky little handgun. He saw me come around. We both fired about the same time—I just shot straighter, I guess.”  (Tom Clancy, Patriot games, 1987)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)


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