Doctorat dans les systèmes universitaires anglo-saxons
La durée d'obtention d'un doctorat en recherche varie considérablement : en Amérique du Nord les candidats y consacrent en moyenne sept ans après l'obtention de la maîtrise, en comparaison avec trois à quatre ans au Royaume-Uni.
Le philosophiæ doctor (PhD) est l'intitulé le plus commun des doctorats de recherche en Amérique du Nord, mais il y a beaucoup d'autres types.
Intitulés et domaines
Doctorat ès sciences
Note: Le PhD est en fait maintenant utilisé majoritairement dans toutes les disciplines scientifiques.
Autres intitulés
- Doctor of Applied Science (D.A.S.)
- Doctor of Architecture (D.Arch.)
- Doctor of Arts (D.A.)
- Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
- Doctor of Canon Law (J.C.D.)
- Doctor of Chemistry (D.Chem.)
- Doctor of Comparative/Civil Law (D.C.L.)
- Doctor of Criminal Justice (D.C.J.)
- Doctor of Criminology (D.Crim.)
- Doctor of Design (Dr DES.)
- Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
- Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.)
- Doctor of Environmental Design (D.E.D.)
- Doctor of Environment (D.Env.)
- Doctor of Engineering Science (D.E.Sc./Sc.D.E.)
- Doctor of Forestry (D.F.)
- Doctor of Fine Arts (D.F.A.)
- Doctor of Geological Science (D.G.S.)
- Doctor of Health and Safety (D.H.S.)
- Doctor of Hebrew Literature/Letters (D.H.L.)
- Doctor of Hebrew Studies (D.H.S.)
- Doctor of Industrial Technology (D.I.T.)
- Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.)
- Doctor of Juristic Science (J.S.D.)
- Doctor of Library Science (D.L.S.)
- Doctor of Ministry (D.Min./D.M.)
- Doctor of Modern Languages (D.M.L.)
- Doctor of Music Ministry (D.M.M.)
- Doctor of Medical Science (D.M.Sc.)
- Doctor of Music (D.M.)
- Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A., A.Mus.D.)
- Doctor of Musical Education (D.M.E.)
- Doctor of Nursing Science (D.N.Sc.)
- Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
- Doctor of Physical Education (D.P.E.)
- Doctor of Professional Studies (D.P.S.)
- Doctor of Clinical Psychology (D.Psy./D.Ps.)
- Doctor of Public Administration (D.P.A.)
- Doctor of Public Health (D.P.H.)
- Doctor of Recreation (D.Rec./D.R.)
- Doctor of Religious Education (D.R.E.)
- Doctor of Sacred Music (D.S.M.)
- Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)
- Doctor of Science in Dentistry (D.Sc.D.)
- Doctor of Science and Hygiene (D.Sc.H.)
- Doctor of Science in Veterinary Medicine (D.Sc.V.M.)
- Doctor of Social Science (D.S.Sc.)
- Doctor of Social Work (D.S.W.)
- Doctor of the Science of Law (L.Sc.D.)
- Doctor of Rehabilitation (Rh.D.)
- Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)
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