Tej leo(?), Rx / pharmacists

tej leo(?), Rx / pharmacists est le premier album du groupe de rock américain Ted Leo and the Pharmacists sorti en 1999 sous le label Gern Blandsten Records.

Tej leo(?), Rx / pharmacists

Album de Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
Sortie Le
Durée 50 min et 19 s
Genre Rock
Label Gern Blandsten Records

Albums de Ted Leo and the Pharmacists


  1. Call Off the Invasion/Flydocious Invasion
  2. The Pharmacist v. The Secret Stars (version: to decline)
  3. Walking Through
  4. The 'Nice People' Argument
  5. Mr. Annoyatron Brown
  6. The King of Time
  7. (version: to decline to make some tea)
  8. Soon Dubward
  9. Set You Free
  10. The Northeast Corridor
  11. Lui Prima Mobile
  12. Friends and Bands
  13. Head in the Freezer
  14. (version: to decline to take a shower)
  15. Congressional Dubcision
  16. (version: whisper: courage)
  17. Sm 11:11/The Trumpet of the Martians
  18. (none)
  19. Out of Step '88!
  • Portail du rock
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