Shiny Happy Jihad
Shiny Happy Jihad est un album du comédien américain Joe Rogan, sorti le , sous le label Comedy Central Records.
Titres de l'album
- "Fear Factor"
- "Pot, Jet Packs, and Peace in the Middle East (And Drunk People Yelling Shit on My CD)"
- "72 Virgins"
- "Suicide Bombings, Sad Penis, and Big Party Girl"
- "Jerk Off First, Safe Zone"
- "Bisexual Dudes Givin' Advice"
- "Gay Is Funny, Brokeback Mountain"
- "Osama Is Right Out of a Comic Book and the Terrorist Cell Phone Network"
- "Boycotting and People Who Like Animals More Than People, March of the Penguins"
- "Weird Spots In the Middle"
- "Big Dick Pills"
- "Pussy Whipped, Best Friends"
- "Dumb People Out-Breeding Smart People Explains the Pyramids"
- "I Was Raised Catholic, In Search of Noah's Ark"
- "We're on a Rock Flying Through Space"
- "Wesley Snipes, The UFC, and Jim Brown"
- "Fear Factor Is Cancelled, Telemundo, and Mike Goldberg"
- "Eddie Bravo, Show Me Your Pussy, and Text Messaging"
- "Lady and Her Son, Ex-Boyfriends Are Hungry Wolves"
- Portail de la musique
- Portail de l’athéisme
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