Robert W. Welch, Jr.
Robert W. Welch, Jr. ( – ) est un industriel, militant politique et essayiste, fondateur de la John Birch Society.
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Welch.
- May God Forgive Us, sous-titré A Famous Letter Giving the Historical Background to the Dismissal of Gen. MacArthur, Henry Regnery Co., 1954.
- The Politician, 1956.
- One Man's Opinion, Belmont, MA, 1956
- The Life Of John Birch: In The Story Of One American Boy, The Ordeal Of His Age, Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2010, (ISBN 978-1163817476)
- Jonathan Schoenwald, A Time for Choosing: The Rise of Modern American Conservatism (2002) p. 62-99
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