Mats Alvesson
Mats Alvesson, né le , est un professeur suédois de sciences de gestion à l'université de Lund et à l'université du Queensland, considéré comme « l'un des initiateurs et l'une des figures les plus marquantes » des études critiques en management[1].
Il est aussi reconnu pour ses travaux sur la culture organisationnelle[2] et le contrôle organisationnel par la régulation identitaire.[3]
- (en) Mats Alvesson, Organization theory and technocratic consciousness : rationality, ideology and quality of work, W. de Gruyter, [4],[5].
- (en) Mats Alvesson et Per-Olof Berg, Corporate culture and organizational symbolism: an overview, W. de Gruyter, .
- (en) Mats Alvesson, Cultural Perspectives on Organizations, Cambridge University Press, [6].
- (en) Mats Alvesson, Communication, power and organization, W. de Gruyter, .
- (en) Mats Alvesson et Yvonne Due Billing, Understanding gender and organizations, Sage, .
- (en) Mats Alvesson, Understanding Organizational Culture, Sage, .
- (en) Mats Alvesson, Knowledge work and knowledge-intensive firms, Oxford University Press, .
- (en) Mats Alvesson et Stefan Sveningsson, Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress, Routledge, .
- (en) Mats Alvesson et Kaj Sköldberg, Reflexive methodology: new vistas for qualitative research, Sage, .
- (en) Mats Alvesson, Todd Bridgman et Hugh Willmott, The Oxford Handbook of Critical Management Studies, Oxford university Press, [7].
- (en) Mats Alvesson, Interpreting interviews, Sage, .
- (en) Mats Alvesson et Andre Spicer, Metaphors we lead by: Understanding leadership in the real world, Routledge, [8].
- (en) Mats Alvesson et Dan Kärreman, Qualitative research and theory development: Mystery as method, Sage, [9].
- (en) Mats Alvesson, The triumph of emptiness: consumption, higher education, and work organization, Oxford University Press, [10].
- (en) Mats Alvesson et Jorgen Sandberg, Constructing research questions : doing interesting research, Sage, [11],[12],[13].
- (en) Mats Alvesson, Understanding organizational culture, Sage, [14].
- (en) Mats Alvesson et Andre Spicer, The Stupidity Paradox : The Power and Pitfalls of Functional Stupidity at Work, Profile Books, [15],[16],[17]
- (en) Stefan Sveningsson et Mats Alvesson, Managerial Lives : Leadership and Identity in an Imperfect World, Cambridge University Press, .
- (en) Mats Alvesson, Martin Blom et Stefan Sveningsson, Reflexive Leadership : Organising in an imperfect world, Sage, .
- Isabelle Huault et Damon Golsorkhi, « Mats Alvesson - Dénaturalisation et émancipation comme projet scientifique en management », dans Sandra Charreire Petit et Isabelle Huault, Les grands auteurs en management, EMS éditions, .
- Mats Alvesson, Understanding Organizational Culture, SAGE Publications Ltd, (ISBN 978-0-7619-7006-4 et 978-1-4462-8007-2, lire en ligne)
- Mats Alvesson et Hugh Willmott, « Identity Regulation as Organizational Control: Producing the Appropriate Individual », Journal of Management Studies, vol. 39, no 5, , p. 619–644 (ISSN 0022-2380 et 1467-6486, DOI 10.1111/1467-6486.00305, lire en ligne, consulté le )
- (en) Sjerp Zeldenrust, « Book Reviews : Mats Alvesson: Organizational Theory and Technocratic Consciousness: Rationality, Ideology and Quality of Work », Organization Studies, vol. 9, no 3, (DOI 10.1177/017084068800900309).
- (en) Raija Julkunen, « Book Reviews : Mats Alvesson: Organization Theory and Technocratic Consciousness. Rationality, Ideology, and Quality of Work », Acta sociologica, vol. 31, no 2, (DOI 10.1177/000169938803100210).
- (en) Roland Calori, « Book Reviews : Mats Alvesson: Cultural Perspectives on Organizations », Organization Studies, vol. 16, no 3, (DOI 10.1177/017084069501600310).
- (en) Robert P. Gephart, « Critical Management Studies by Mats Alvesson and Hugh Willmott », The Academy of Management Review, vol. 18, no 4, (JSTOR 58602).
- (en) Tyrone Pitsis, « Book review: Mats Alvesson and Andre Spicer (2010). Metaphors We Lead By: Understanding Leadership in the Real World », M@n@gement, vol. 14, no 4, (lire en ligne).
- (en) Tom Strong, « Mysteries and Qualitative Research? », The Qualitative Report, vol. 17, no 10, (lire en ligne).
- (en) Cary Cooper, « The Triumph of Emptiness: Consumption, Higher Education, and Work Organization, by Mats Alvesson », Times Higher Education, (lire en ligne).
- (en) Joanna Lenihan, « Book Review: Constructing Research Questions: Doing Interesting Research by Mats Alvesson & Jorgen Sandberg », sur London School of Economics and Political Science.
- (en) J. A. S. K Jayakody, « Book Review: Mats Alvesson and Jorgen Sandberg, Constructing Research Questions: Doing Interesting Research », Colombo Business Journal, vol. 6, no 2, (lire en ligne)
- (en) Jean Bartunek, « Mats Alvesson and Jorgen Sandberg (2013), Constructing Research Questions: Doing Interesting Research », M@n@gement, vol. 17, no 5, (DOI 10.3917/mana.175.0404).
- (en) Pasquale Gagliardi, « Review: Understanding Organizational Culture By Mats Alvesson », Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 48, no 1, (JSTOR 3556624).
- (en) Frank Dillon, « Book review: The Stupidity Paradox, by Mats Alvesson and Andre Spicer », Irish Times, (lire en ligne).
- (en) Matthew Reisz, « Universities ‘complicit’ in pushing knowledge economy fallacy », Times Higher Education, (lire en ligne).
- Laurent Guez, « L'entreprise est-elle stupide ? », Les Échos, (lire en ligne).
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