Life in Mono

Life in Mono est le troisième album d'Emma Bunton sorti en 2006.

Life in Mono

Album de Emma Bunton
Enregistré 2005-2006
Genre Pop
Label Universal Music TV

Albums de Emma Bunton

Liste des chansons

  1. All I Need To Know (Bunton, Hartman) - 4:18
  2. Life in Mono (originellement interprétée par Mono) (Barry, Virgo) - 3:48
  3. Mischievous (Bunton, Dennis, Kurstin) - 3:41
  4. Perfect Strangers (Bunton, Clark, Sheyne) - 3:31
  5. He Loves Me Not (Bunton, Bondy) - 3:28
  6. I Wasn't Looking (When I Found Love) (Bunton, Gabriel, Robinson) - 3:31
  7. Take Me To Another Town (Clark, Hawkes, Pressly) - 4:07
  8. Undressing You (Kellet, Elsworth) - 3:21
  9. I'm Not Crying Over Yesterdays (Bunton, MacKichan, Gray) - 3:23
  10. All That You'll Be (Bunton, Gordeno, Porter) - 4:00
  11. Downtown (originellement interprétée par Petula Clark) (Hatch) - 3:24
  • Portail de la musique
  • Portail du Royaume-Uni
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