John Lee Comstock

John Lee Comstock est un chirurgien, un éditeur et pédagogue américain, né en 1787 et mort en 1858.

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Comstock.

Ce chirurgien sert dans l’armée américaine durant la guerre de 1812. Il est l’auteur et l’éditeur de nombreux manuels.

Liste partielle des publications

  • 1827 : Elements of Mineralogy: Adapted to the Use of Schools, and Private Students[1] (Harvard University).
  • 1832 : An introduction to mineralogy; adapted to the use of schools and private students. Illustrated by nearly two hundred wood cuts[2] (Pratt, Woodford & co.Pratt, Woodford & co., New York).
  • 1836 : Elements of chemistry; in which the recent discoveries in the science are included and its doctrines familiarly explained[3] (Robinson, Pratt, & Co., New York).
  • 1841 : Outlines of geology, intended as a popular treatise on the most interesting parts of the science, together with an examination of the question, whether the days of creation were indefinite periods; designed for the use of schools and general readers[4] (Robinson, New York).
  • 1843 : A system of natural philosophy: in which the principles of mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulic, pneumatics, acoustics, optics, astronomy, electricity, magnetism, steam engine, and electro-magnetism, are familiarly explained, and illustrated by more than two hundred engravings. To which are added questions for the examinations of pupils[5] (Robinson, Pratt & co., New York).
  • 1848 : Natural history of birds : with engravings on a new plan, exhibiting their comparative size, adapted to the capacities of youth, with authentic anecdotes illustrating their habits and characters, together with reflections, moral and religious, designed for Sabbath school libraries, families, and common schools[6] (Pratt, Woodford, New York).
  • 1850 : Outlines of physiology, both comparative and human : in which are described the mechanical, animal, vital, and sensorial organs and functions, also, the application of these principles to muscular exercise, and female fashions and deformities : intended for the use of schools and heads of families : together with a synopsis of human anatomy...[7] (Pratt, Woodford, New York).


  1. Exemplaire numérique sur Internet Archive : mode texte ou mode image.
  2. Exemplaire numérique sur Internet Archive.
  3. Exemplaire numérique sur Internet Archive.
  4. Exemplaire numérique sur Internet Archive.
  5. Exemplaire numérique sur Internet Archive.
  6. Exemplaire numérique sur Internet Archive.
  7. Exemplaire numérique sur Internet Archive.


  • M. Susan Lindee (1991), The American Career of Jane Marcet's Conversations on Chemistry, 1806-1853, Isis: International Review devoted to the History of Science and its Cultural Influences, 82 (1) : 8-23 (ISSN 0021-1753)

Liens externes

  • Portail de l’histoire de la zoologie et de la botanique
  • Portail de l’éducation
  • Portail des États-Unis
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