Geoffrey Hodson
Geoffrey Hodson ( à Lincolnshire – à Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande) était un occultiste, théosophe, mystique et philosophe qui s'intéressait de près à l'ésotérisme, et officia pendant près de 70 ans avec la société théosophique. Il était originaire d'Angleterre.
Ouvrages de Geoffrey Hodson[1] :
- Faeries at Work and at Play, 1925
- The Kingdom of Faerie, 1927
- The Science of Seership, 1927
- The Brotherhood of Angels and of Men, 1927
- First Steps on the Path, 1928
- The Angelic Hosts, 1928
- Be Ye Perfect, 1928
- Angels and the New Race, 1929
- American Lectures, 1929
- Thus Have I Heard, 1929
- The Miracle of Birth, 1929
- The Inner Side of Church Worship, 1930
- An Occult View of Health and Disease, 1930
- New Light on the Problem of Disease, 1930
- Some Experiments in Four Dimensional Vision, 1933
- The Coming of the Angels, 1935
- Destiny, 1936
- The Seven Human Temperaments, 1952
- Man, the Triune God, 1952
- Kingdom of the Gods, 1952
- Through the Gateway of Death: A Message to the Bereaved, 1953
- Theosophy Answers Some Problems of Life, 1953
- Pathway to Perfection, 1954
- Occult Powers in Nature and in Man, 1955
- Lecture Notes: The School of the Wisdom, 1955
- Vital Questions Answered, 1959
- The Soul's Awakening: Talks on Occultism and the Occult Life, 1963
- Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible, 1963–1980
- Man's Supersensory and Spiritual Powers, 1964
- Reincarnation, Fact or Fallacy?, 1967
- Meditations on the Occult Life, 1968
- The Supreme Splendour, 1967
- The Priestly Ideal, 1971
- The Call to the Heights: Guidance on the Pathway to Self-Illumination, 1975
- Christ Life from Nativity to Ascension, 1975
- Music Forms: Superphysical Effects of Music Clairvoyantly Observed, 1976
- At the Sign of the Square and Compass, 1976
- Clairvoyant Investigations of Christian Origins, 1977
- Basic Theosophy: The Living Wisdom (condensed from Lecture Notes), 1981
- The Concealed Wisdom in World Mythology, 1983
- Clairvoyant Investigations, 1984
- The Occult Philosophy Concealed within Freemasonry, 1985
Liens externes
- Notices d'autorité :
- Fichier d’autorité international virtuel
- International Standard Name Identifier
- Bibliothèque nationale de France (données)
- Système universitaire de documentation
- Bibliothèque du Congrès
- Bibliothèque royale des Pays-Bas
- Bibliothèque universitaire de Pologne
- Bibliothèque nationale tchèque
- WorldCat Id
- WorldCat
- (en) Site officiel
- (en) (fr) Biographie, Bibliographie
- (en) Travaux de Geoffrey Hodson
- Portail de la spiritualité
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