Cnemaspis est un genre de geckos de la famille des Gekkonidae[1].

Cnemaspis sp.
Règne | Animalia |
Embranchement | Chordata |
Classe | Reptilia |
Sous-classe | Lepidosauria |
Ordre | Squamata |
Sous-ordre | Sauria |
Infra-ordre | Gekkota |
Famille | Gekkonidae |
- Ancylodactylus Müller, 1907
Les 181 espèces de ce genre se rencontrent en grande majorité en Asie du Sud, et Asie du Sud-Est, une douzaine d'espèces vivent également en Afrique subsaharienne[1].
Ce sont des geckos relativement petits, à pupille ronde et donc principalement diurnes vivant dans des milieux plutôt boisés.
Cnemaspis signifie "mollet-bouclier", du grec ancien Cnem- "κνήμη" (knếmê) voulant dire "mollet, tibia" et -aspis "ἀσπίς" (aspís) voulant dire "bouclier".
Liste des espèces
Selon Reptarium Reptile Database (1er août 2021)[2] :
- Cnemaspis aaronbaueri Sayyed et al., 2019[3]
- Cnemaspis aceh Iskandar et al., 2017[4]
- Cnemaspis adangrawi Ampai et al., 2019[5]
- Cnemaspis adii Srinivasulu et al., 2015
- Cnemaspis affinis (Stoliczka, 1870)
- Cnemaspis africana (Werner, 1896)
- Cnemaspis agarwali Khandekar, 2019[6]
- Cnemaspis ajijae Sayyed et al., 2018[7]
- Cnemaspis alantika Bauer et al., 2006
- Cnemaspis alwisi Mendis Wickramasinghe & Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis amba Khandekar et al., 2019[8]
- Cnemaspis amboliensis Sayyed et al., 2018[7]
- Cnemaspis amith Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis anamudiensis Cyriac et al., 2018[9]
- Cnemaspis anandani Murthy et al., 2019[10]
- Cnemaspis andalas Iskandar et al., 2017[4]
- Cnemaspis andersonii (Annandale, 1905)
- Cnemaspis anslemi Karunarathna & Ukuwela, 2019[11]
- Cnemaspis argus Dring, 1979
- Cnemaspis assamensis Das & Sengupta, 2000
- Cnemaspis aurantiacopes Grismer & Ngo, 2007
- Cnemaspis australis Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis avasabinae Agarwal et al., 2020[12]
- Cnemaspis bangara Agarwal et al., 2020[13]
- Cnemaspis barbouri Perret, 1986
- Cnemaspis baueri Das & Grismer, 2003
- Cnemaspis bayuensis Grismer et al., 2008
- Cnemaspis beddomei (Theobald, 1876)
- Cnemaspis bidongensis Grismer et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis biocellata Grismer et al., 2008
- Cnemaspis boiei (Gray, 1842)
- Cnemaspis boulengeri Strauch, 1887
- Cnemaspis butewai Karunarathna et al., 2019[14]
- Cnemaspis caudanivea Grismer & Ngo, 2007
- Cnemaspis chanardi Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis chanthaburiensis Bauer & Das, 1998
- Cnemaspis chengodumalaensis Cyriac et al., 2020[15]
- Cnemaspis dezwaani Das, 2005
- Cnemaspis dickersonae (Schmidt, 1919)
- Cnemaspis dilepis Perret, 1963
- Cnemaspis dissanayakai Karunarathna et al. in Karunarathna et al., 2019[16]
- Cnemaspis dringi Das & Bauer, 1998
- Cnemaspis elgonensis Loveridge, 1936
- Cnemaspis flavigaster Onn & Grismer, 2008
- Cnemaspis flaviventralis Sayyed et al., 2016[17]
- Cnemaspis flavolineata (Nicholls, 1949)
- Cnemaspis gemunu Bauer et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis gigas Perret, 1986
- Cnemaspis girii Mirza et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis goaensis Sharma, 1976
- Cnemaspis godagedarai De Silva et al., 2019[18]
- Cnemaspis gotaimbarai Karunarathna et al., 2019[14]
- Cnemaspis gracilis (Beddome, 1870)
- Cnemaspis graniticola Agarwal et al., 2020[13]
- Cnemaspis grismeri Wood et al., 2013
- Cnemaspis hangus Grismer et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis harimau Chan et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis heteropholis Bauer, 2002
- Cnemaspis hitihamii Karunarathna et al., 2019[14]
- Cnemaspis huaseesom Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis indica Gray, 1846
- Cnemaspis ingerorum Batuwita et al., 2019[19]
- Cnemaspis jacobsoni Das, 2005
- Cnemaspis jerdonii (Theobald, 1868)
- Cnemaspis kallima Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis kamolnorranathi Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis kandambyi Batuwita & Udugampala, 2017[20]
- Cnemaspis kandiana (Kelaart, 1852)
- Cnemaspis karsticola Grismer et al., 2008
- Cnemaspis kawminiae Karunarathna et al. in Karunarathna et al., 2019[21]
- Cnemaspis kendallii (Gray, 1845)
- Cnemaspis kivulegedarai Karunarathna et al., 2019[14]
- Cnemaspis koehleri Mertens, 1937
- Cnemaspis kohukumburai Karunarathna et al., 2019[14]
- Cnemaspis kolhapurensis Giri et al., 2009
- Cnemaspis kotagamai Karunarathna et al. in Karunarathna et al., 2019[22]
- Cnemaspis kottiyoorensis Cyriac & Umesh, 2014
- Cnemaspis koynaensis Khandekar et al., 2019[8]
- Cnemaspis krishnagiriensis Agarwal et al., 2021[23]
- Cnemaspis kumarasinghei Mendis Wickramasinghe & Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis kumpoli Taylor, 1963
- Cnemaspis laoensis Grismer, 2010
- Cnemaspis latha Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis leucura Kurita et al., 2017[24]
- Cnemaspis limayei Sayyed et al., 2018[7]
- Cnemaspis limi Das & Grismer, 2003
- Cnemaspis lineatubercularis Ampai et al., 2020[25]
- Cnemaspis lineogularis Wood et al., 2017[26]
- Cnemaspis littoralis (Jerdon, 1853)
- Cnemaspis lokugei Karunarathna et al., 2021[27]
- Cnemaspis maculicollis Cyriac et al., 2018[9]
- Cnemaspis magnifica Khandekar et al., 2020[28]
- Cnemaspis mahabali Sayyed et al., 2018[7]
- Cnemaspis mahsuriae Grismer et al., 2015
- Cnemaspis manoae Amarasinghe & Karunarathna, 2020[29]
- Cnemaspis mcguirei Grismer et al., 2008
- Cnemaspis menikay Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis minang Iskandar et al., 2017[4]
- Cnemaspis modiglianii Das, 2005
- Cnemaspis molligodai Mendis Wickramasinghe & Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis monachorum Grismer et al., 2009
- Cnemaspis monticola Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis mumpuniae Grismer et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis muria Riyanto et al., 2019[30]
- Cnemaspis mysoriensis (Jerdon, 1853)
- Cnemaspis nairi Inger et al., 1984
- Cnemaspis nandimithrai Karunarathna et al., 2019[14]
- Cnemaspis narathiwatensis Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis neangthyi Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis nicobaricus Chandramouli, 2020[31]
- Cnemaspis nigridia (Smith, 1925)
- Cnemaspis nilagirica Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis nilgala Karunarathna et al., 2019[32]
- Cnemaspis niyomwanae Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis nuicamensis Grismer & Ngo, 2007
- Cnemaspis occidentalis Angel, 1943
- Cnemaspis omari Grismer et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis ornata (Beddome, 1870)
- Cnemaspis otai Das & Bauer, 2000
- Cnemaspis pagai Iskandar et al., 2017[4]
- Cnemaspis palakkadensis Sayyed et al., 2020[33]
- Cnemaspis paripari Grismer & Onn, 2009
- Cnemaspis pava Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis pemanggilensis Grismer & Das, 2006
- Cnemaspis peninsularis Grismer et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis perhentianensis Grismer & Chan, 2008
- Cnemaspis petrodroma Perret, 1986
- Cnemaspis phangngaensis Wood et al., 2017[26]
- Cnemaspis phillipsi Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis phuketensis Das & Leong, 2004
- Cnemaspis podihuna Deraniyagala, 1944
- Cnemaspis pseudomcguirei Grismer et al., 2009
- Cnemaspis psychedelica Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis pulchra Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis punctata Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis punctatonuchalis Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis purnamai Riyanto et al., 2017[34]
- Cnemaspis quattuorseriata (Sternfeld, 1912)
- Cnemaspis rajabasa Amarasinghe et al., 2015
- Cnemaspis rajakarunai Wickramasinghe et al., 2016[35]
- Cnemaspis rajgadensis Sayyed et al., 2021[36]
- Cnemaspis rammalensis Vidanapathriana et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis ranganaensis Sayyed & Sulakhe, 2020[37]
- Cnemaspis retigalensis Mendis Wickramasinghe & Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis rishivalleyensis Agarwal et al., 2020[38]
- Cnemaspis roticanai Grismer & Onn, 2010
- Cnemaspis samanalensis Mendis Wickramasinghe & Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis scalpensis (Ferguson, 1877)
- Cnemaspis schalleri Khandekar et al., 2021[39]
- Cnemaspis selamatkanmerapoh Grismer et al., 2013
- Cnemaspis selenolagus Grismer et al., 2020[40]
- Cnemaspis shahruli Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis shevaroyensis Khandekar et al., 2019[41]
- Cnemaspis siamensis (Smith, 1925)
- Cnemaspis silvula Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis sisparensis (Theobald, 1876)
- Cnemaspis spinicollis (Müller, 1907)
- Cnemaspis stellapulvis Khandekar et al., 2020[42]
- Cnemaspis stongensis Grismer et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis sundagekko Grismer et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis sundainsula Grismer et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis tanintharyi Lee et al., 2019[43]
- Cnemaspis tapanuli Iskandar et al., 2017[4]
- Cnemaspis tarutaoensis Ampai et al., 2019[5]
- Cnemaspis temiah Grismer et al., 2014
- Cnemaspis thachanaensis Wood et al., 2017[26]
- Cnemaspis thackerayi Khandekar et al., 2019[41]
- Cnemaspis thayawthadangyi Lee et al., 2019[43]
- Cnemaspis tropidogaster (Boulenger, 1885)
- Cnemaspis tubaensis Quah et al., 2020[44]
- Cnemaspis tucdupensis Grismer & Ngo, 2007
- Cnemaspis upendrai Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2007
- Cnemaspis uttaraghati Khandekar et al., 2021[45]
- Cnemaspis uzungwae Perret, 1986
- Cnemaspis vandeventeri Grismer et al., 2010
- Cnemaspis whittenorum Das, 2005
- Cnemaspis wicksi (Stoliczka, 1873)
- Cnemaspis wynadensis (Beddome, 1870)
- Cnemaspis yelagiriensis Agarwal et al., 2020[13]
- Cnemaspis yercaudensis Das & Bauer, 2000
- Cnemaspis zacharyi Cyriac et al., 2020[15]
Publication originale
- Strauch, 1887 : Bemerkungen über die Geckoniden-Sammlung im zoologischen Museum der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg. Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg, ser. 7, vol. 35, no 2, p. 1-72 (texte intégral).
Liens externes
- (en) Référence Animal Diversity Web : Cnemaspis (consulté le )
- (en) Référence Catalogue of Life : Cnemaspis (consulté le )
- (fr+en) Référence ITIS : Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (consulté le )
- (en) Référence NCBI : Cnemaspis (taxons inclus) (consulté le )
- (en) Référence Reptarium Reptile Database : Cnemaspis (consulté le )
- (en) Référence UICN : taxon Cnemaspis (consulté le )
Notes et références
- Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
- Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté le 1er août 2021
- Sayyed, Grismer, Campbell & Dileepkumar (2019) : Description of a cryptic new species of Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Western Ghats of Kerala State of India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4656 (3): p. 501–514. DOI :
- Iskandar, McGuire & Amarasinghe (2017) : Description of Five New Day Geckos of Cnemaspis kandiana Group (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Sumatra and Mentawai Archipelago, Indonesia. Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 51 (1): p. 142-153. DOI : 10.1670/15-047
- Ampai, Rujirawan, Wood, Stuart & Aowphol (2019) : Morphological and molecular analyses reveal two new insular species of Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from Satun Province, southern Thailand. ZooKeys 858: p. 127-161. DOI :
- Khandekar (2019) : A new species of rock-dwelling Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Tamil Nadu, southern India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4571 (3): p. 383-397. DOI :
- Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar (2018) : Four new species of the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from the northern Western Ghats, India. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, Vol. 12 (2) [General Section]: p. 1–29 (e157)
- Khandekar, Thackeray & Agarwal (2019) : Two more new species of Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4656 (1): p. 43-70. DOI :
- Cyriac, Johny, Umesh & Palot (2018) : Description of two new species of Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4459 (1): p. 85-100. DOI :
- Murthy, Nitesh, Sengupta & Deepak (2019) : A new species of Day Gecko of the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata : Gekkonidae) from the Nilgiri Hills, Tamil Nadu, India. Rec. Zool Surv. India, Vol. 119 (3): p. 211-226. DOI : 10.26515/rzsi/v119/i3/2019/143339
- Karunarathna & Ukuwela (2019) : A new species of dwarf day gecko (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis) from lower-elevations of Samanala Nature Reserve in Central massif, Sri Lanka. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, Vol. 13 (2) [General Section]: p. 14–27 (e187)
- Agarwal, Bauer & Khandekar (2020) : A new species of South Asian Cnemaspis (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Eastern Ghats, India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4802 (3): p. 449-462. DOI :
- Agarwal, Thackeray, Pal & Khandekar (2020) : Granite boulders act as deep-time climate refugia: A Miocene divergent clade of rupicolous Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Mysore Plateau, India, with descriptions of three new species. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Vol. 58 (4): p. 1234-1261. DOI :
- Karunarathna, Poyarkov, De Silva, Madawala, Botejue, Gorin, Surasinghe, Gabadage, Ukuwela & Bauer (2019) : Integrative taxonomy reveals six new species of day geckos of the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae) from geographically-isolated hill forests in Sri Lanka. Vertebrate Zoology, Vol. 69 (3): p. 247-298. DOI : 10.26049/VZ69-3-2019-02
- Cyriac, Palot, Deuti & Umesh (2020) : A preliminary 16S rRNA phylogeny of the Indian Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) with the description of two new cryptic species from the C. wynadensis clade. Vertebrate Zoology, Vol. 70 (2): p. 171-193. DOI : 10.26049/VZ70-2-2020-06
- (C. dissanayakai) Karunarathna, De Silva, Madawala, Karunarathna, Wickramasinghe, Ukuwela & Bauer in Karunarathna, De Silva, Botejue, Gabadage, Somaratna, Hettige, Aberathna, Madawala, Edirisignhe, Perera, Wickramaarachchi, Surasinghe, Karunarathna, Wickramasinghe, Ukuwela & Bauer (2019) : Three new species of day geckos (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887) from isolated granite cave habitats in Sri Lanka. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, Vol. 13 (2) [General Section]: p. 323–354 (e216)
- Sayyed, Pyron & Dahanukar (2016) : Cnemaspis flaviventralis, a new species of gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, Vol. 8 (14): p. 9619-9629. DOI :
- De Silva, Bauer, Botejue & Karunarathna (2019) : A new species of endemic day gecko (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis) from a wet zone forest in the second peneplain of Southern Sri Lanka. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, Vol. 13 (1) [General Section]: p. 198–208 (e177)
- Batuwita, Agarwal & Bauer (2019) : Description of a new diminutive, rupicolous species of day-gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis) from southern Sri Lanka. Zootaxa, Vol. 4565 (2): p. 223-234. DOI :
- Batuwita & Udugampala (2017) : Description of a new species of Cnemaspis (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Knuckles Range of Sri Lanka. Zootaxa, Vol. 4254 (1): p. 82-90. DOI :
- (C. kawminiae) Karunarathna, De Silva, Gabadage, Karunarathna, Wickramasinghe, Ukuwela & Bauer in Karunarathna, De Silva, Botejue, Gabadage, Somaratna, Hettige, Aberathna, Madawala, Edirisignhe, Perera, Wickramaarachchi, Surasinghe, Karunarathna, Wickramasinghe, Ukuwela & Bauer (2019) : Three new species of day geckos (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887) from isolated granite cave habitats in Sri Lanka. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, Vol. 13 (2) [General Section]: p. 323–354 (e216)
- (C. kotagamai) Karunarathna, De Silva, Botejue, Surasinghe, Wickramasinghe, Ukuwela & Bauer in Karunarathna, De Silva, Botejue, Gabadage, Somaratna, Hettige, Aberathna, Madawala, Edirisignhe, Perera, Wickramaarachchi, Surasinghe, Karunarathna, Wickramasinghe, Ukuwela & Bauer (2019) : Three new species of day geckos (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887) from isolated granite cave habitats in Sri Lanka. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, Vol. 13 (2) [General Section]: p. 323–354 (e216)
- Agarwal, Thackeray & Khandekar (2021) : A new medium-sized rupicolous Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) of the C. bangara clade from granite boulder habitats in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4969 (2): p. 351-366. DOI :
- Kurita, Nishikawa, Matsui & Hikida (2017) : A new species of Rock Gecko genus Cnemaspis (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Western Sarawak, Malaysia. Zootaxa, Vol. 4258 (6): p. 525-538. DOI :
- Ampai, Wood, Stuart & Aowphol (2020) : Integrative taxonomy of the rock-dwelling gecko Cnemaspis siamensis complex (Squamata, Gekkonidae) reveals a new species from Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, southern Thailand. ZooKeys 932: p. 129-159. DOI :
- Wood, Grismer, Aowphol, Aguilar, Cota, Grismer, Murdoch & Sites (2017) : Three new karst-dwelling Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata; Gekkoniade) from Peninsular Thailand and the phylogenetic placement of C. punctatonuchalis and C. vandeventeri. PeerJ 5:e2884. DOI :
- Karunarathna, De Silva, Gabadage, Botejue, Madawala & Ukuwela (2021) : A new species of day gecko (Reptilia, Gekkonidae, Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887) from Sri Lanka with an updated ND2 gene phylogeny of Sri Lankan and Indian species. Zoosystematics and Evolution, Vol. 97 (1): p. 191-209. DOI :
- Khandekar, Thackeray, Pal & Agarwal (2020) : A new large-bodied, rupicolous Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) allied to Cnemaspis heteropholis Bauer, 2002 from the Central Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4801 (1): p. 57-84. DOI :
- Amarasinghe & Karunarathna (2020) : A new diminutive day gecko species of the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from Pilikuttuwa, near the capital of Sri Lanka. TAPROBANICA, Vol. 9 (1): p. 71-82. DOI : 10.47605/tapro.v9i1.223
- Riyanto, Munir, Martamenggala, Fitriana & Hamidy (2019) : Hiding in plain sight on Gunung Muria: A new species and first record of rock gecko (Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887; Squamata, Gekkonidae) from Java, Indonesia. Zootaxa, Vol. 4608 (1): p. 155-173. DOI : 10.11646/zootaxa.4608.1.9
- Chandramouli (2020) : A new species of dwarf gecko of the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae) from the Nicobar archipelago with an expanded description of Cnemaspis andersonii (Annandale 1905) of the Andaman Islands. Asian Journal of Conservaion Biology, Vol. 9 (1): p. 3-10
- Karunarathna, Bauer, De Silva, Surasinghe, Somaratna, Madawala, Gabadage, Botejue, Henkanaththegedara & Ukuwela (2019) : Description of a new species of the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Nilgala Savannah forest, Uva Province of Sri Lanka. Zootaxa, Vol. 4545 (3): p. 389-407. DOI :
- Sayyed, Cyriac & Dileepkumar (2020) : A new cryptic species of Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae), in the C. littoralis complex, from Anakkal, Palakkad, Kerala, India. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, Vol. 14 (3) [Taxonomy Section]: p. 31–45 (e251)
- Riyanto, Hamidy, Sidik & Gunalen (2017) : A new species of Rock Gecko of the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Belitung Island, Indonesia. Zootaxa, Vol. 4358 (3): 583-597. DOI :
- Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana & Rathnayake (2016) : Cnemaspis rajakarunai sp. nov., a rock dwelling day-gecko (Sauria: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis) from Salgala, an unprotected lowland rainforest in Sri Lanka. Zootaxa, Vol. 4168 (1): p. 92-108. DOI :
- Sayyed, Cyriac, Pardeshi & Sulakhe (2021) : Dwarfs of the fortress: A new cryptic species of dwarf gecko of the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from Rajgad fort in the northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India. Evolutionary Systematics, Vol. 5 (1): p. 25-38. DOI :
- Sayyed & Sulakhe (2020) : A new Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4885 (1): p. 83-98. DOI :
- Agarwal, Thackeray & Khandekar (2020) : Geckos in the granite: two new geckos (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from rocky, scrub habitats in Rishi Valley, Andhra Pradesh, India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4838 (4): p. 451-474. DOI :
- Khandekar, Thackeray & Agarwal (2021) : A new small-bodied, polymorphic Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) allied to C. monticola Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita & Pethiyagoda, 2007 from the Central Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4950 (3): p. 501-527. DOI :
- Grismer, Yushchenko, Pawangkhanant, Nazarov, Naiduangchan, Suwannapoom & Poyarkov (2020) : A new species of Cnemaspis Strauch (Squamata: Gekkonidae) of the C. siamensis group from Tenasserim Mountains, Thailand. Zootaxa, Vol. 4852 (5): p. 547–564; erratum in Zootaxa 4951 (3): 599 (DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4951.3.11)
- Khandekar, Gaitonde & Agarwal (2019) : Two new Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Shevaroy massif, Tamil Nadu, India, with a preliminary ND2 phylogeny of Indian Cnemaspis. Zootaxa, Vol. 4609 (1): p. 68-100. DOI :
- Khandekar, Thackeray & Agarwal (2020) : A new cryptic Cnemaspis Strauch (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from an isolated granite hill on the Mysore Plateau, Karnataka, India. Zootaxa, Vol. 4845 (4): p. 509-528. DOI :
- Lee, Miller, Zug & Mulcahy (2019) : The discovery of Rock Geckos Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) in the Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar with the description of two new species. Zootaxa, Vol. 4661 (1): p. 40-64. DOI :
- Quah, Wood, Anuar & Muin (2020) : A new species of Cnemaspis Strauch 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Langkawi Archipelago, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia with an updated checklist of the herpetofauna of Tuba Island. Zootaxa, 4767 (1): 138-160. DOI :
- Khandekar, Thackeray & Agarwal (2021) : A novel small-bodied rupicolous Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India, with comments on the status of C. indraneildasii, Bauer 2000. Zootaxa, Vol. 4969 (2): p. 331-350. DOI :
- Portail de l’herpétologie
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