Prix Albert Einstein

Le prix Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein Award) est une récompense qui était attribuée dans le domaine de la physique théorique.

Stephen Hawking, lauréat en 1978.


Année Lauréat Référence
1951Gödel, KurtKurt Gödel et Julian Schwinger[1],[2],[3]
1954Feynman, RichardRichard Feynman[3]
1958Teller, EdwardEdward Teller[4]
1959Libby, WillardWillard Libby[5]
1960Szilárd, LeóLeó Szilárd[6]
1961Alvarez, Luis WalterLuis Walter Alvarez[7]
1965Wheeler, JohnJohn Wheeler[8]
1967Rosenbluth, MarshallMarshall Rosenbluth[9]
1970Ne'eman, YuvalYuval Ne'eman[10]
1972Wigner, EugeneEugene Wigner[11]
1978Hawking, StephenStephen Hawking[12]
1979Regge, TullioTullio Regge[13]

Notes et références

  1. (en) Biographical Memoirs V.56, Washington, National Academy Press, (ISBN 978-0-309-03693-1), p. 134–179
  2. Biography of J. Schwinger from University of St Andrews, MacTutor History of Mathematics archive (Last accessed Dec. 17, 2006).
  3. The Month at Caltech, April 1954 issue, p. 20 (Last accessed on September 4, 2007).
  4. Edward Teller—Awards & Degrees from LLNL website (Last accessed Feb. 11, 2007).
  5. Biography of W. F. Libby at (Last accessed May 13, 2008).
  6. (en) The Collected Works of Leo Szilard: Scientific Papers (Bernard T. Feld and Gertrud Weiss Szilard (eds)), MIT, (ISBN 0-262-06039-6), p. 15
  7. The Americana Annual 1962, Americana Corporation, (ISSN 0196-0180)
  8. (en) McGraw-Hill Modern Scientists and Engineers, New York, McGraw-Hill, , 3e éd. (ISBN 978-0-07-045266-4, LCCN 79024383) p. 302.
  9. (en) Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1967, Scientific and Technical Information Branch, NASA, (ISSN 0519-2366)
  10. (en) The World Book Year Book: An Annual Supplement to the World Book, Chicago, World Book, (ISBN 978-0-7166-0471-6, LCCN 62004818) p. 217
  11. Science magazine, vol. 176, p. 896, 1972.
  12. (en) Gribbin White, Stephen Hawking: A Life in Science, Washington, Joseph Henry Press, , poche (ISBN 978-0-309-08410-9, LCCN 2002011961)
  13. (en) David Calhoun (éditeur), 1981 Yearbook of Science and the Future, Encyclopaedia Britannica (UK) Ltd, (ISBN 0-85229-375-5)
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