29e prix Lambda Literary
Le 29e prix Lambda Literary a eu lieu le pour honorer les ouvrages publiés en 2016.
Lauréats et finalistes
Catégorie | Lauréat | Nommé |
Bisexual Fiction | Alexis M. Smith, Marrow Island |
Bisexual Non-Fiction | Ana Castillo, Black Dove: Mamá, Mi’jo, and Me |
Bisexual Poetry | Abigail Child, Mouth to Mouth |
Gay Fiction | Rabih Alameddine, The Angel of History |
Gay Memoir/Biography | Cleve Jones, When We Rise |
Gay Mystery | J. Aaron Sanders, Speakers of the Dead: A Walt Whitman Mystery |
Gay Poetry | Phillip B. Williams, Thief in the Interior |
Gay Romance | Pene Henson, Into the Blue |
Lesbian Fiction | Nicole Dennis-Benn, Here Comes the Sun |
Lesbian Memoir/Biography | Gloria Joseph, The Wind Is Spirit: The Life, Love and Legacy of Audre Lorde |
Lesbian Mystery | Jessica L. Webb, Pathogen |
Lesbian Poetry | Francine J. Harris, play dead Pat Parker (éd. Julie R. Enszer), Complete Works of Pat Parker |
Lesbian Romance | Yoshiyuki Ly, The Scorpion’s Empress |
LGBTQ Anthology | Zena Sharman, The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care |
LGBTQ Children's/Young Adult | M-E Girard, Girl Mans Up |
LGBT Drama | Robert O'Hara, Barbecue/Bootycandy |
LGBTQ Erotica | Rebekah Weatherspoon, Soul to Keep |
LGBTQ Graphic Novel | Ed Luce, Wuvable Oaf: Blood & Metal |
LGBTQ Non-Fiction | David France, How to Survive a Plague: The Inside Story of How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS |
LGBTQ Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror | Indra Das, The Devourers |
LGBTQ Studies | Jennifer Tyburczy, Sex Museums: The Politics and Performance of Display |
Transgender Fiction | Jia Qing Wilson-Yang, Small Beauty |
Transgender Non-Fiction | Lei Ming, Life Beyond My Body: A Transgender Journey to Manhood in China |
Transgender Poetry | Kokumo, Reacquainted with Life |
Prix spéciaux
Catégorie | Lauréat |
Visionary Award | Jacqueline Woodson |
Judith A. Markowitz Emerging Writer Award | H. Melt, Victor Yates |
Trustee Award | Jeanette Winterson |
Voir aussi
Liens externes
- Liste des lauréats sur le site du Lambda Literary Award
- Liste des nommés sur le site du magazine Out
- Portail des récompenses et distinctions
- Portail de la littérature américaine
- Portail LGBT
- Portail des années 2010
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