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Lettre hebdomadaire Ubuntu n°9

Lettre hebdomadaire Ubuntu n°9 pour la semaine du 6 au 12 août 2006.

Vous pouvez toujours trouver ce numéro de la lettre hebdomadaire Ubuntu ainsi que les autres sur

Les versions originales, en anglais, des lettres hebdomadaires sont sur le wiki anglophone :

Dans ce numéro

Citation de la semaine

Un anonyme a dit… “J'aime l'aspect brillant, j'aime les forums communautaires, mais plus que tout j'aime le fait que ma grand-mère puisse l'installer”

La version 6.06.1

Colin Watson et le reste de l'équipe de développement Ubuntu ont préparé et diffusé la version 6.06.1. C'est la première des mises à jours de sécurité et des correction qui seront publiées pendant le cycle de vie de la 6.06 LTS. Si vous utilisez déjà la 6.06, il n'est pas nécessaire de télécharger et d'installer une nouvelle image, car votre machine devrait déjà avoir installé les mises à jour de sécurité et les corrections de bogues. Il est donc maintenant temps de vous assurez que vous recevez bien ces mises à jour…

Bienvenue à Jono Bacon, le nouveau responsable communauté

Avec le départ de Jeff Waugh il y a l'arrivée de Jono Bacon, récemment embauché par Canonical pour être le responsable communauté de Ubuntu (prononcez “cou-mou-ni-ti ma-na-djeur”, ce qui en Swahili veut dire gardien des félins). Même si ici, à la rédaction de la lettre, on ne sait pas trop ce qu'il va faire, nous sommes heureux de l'avoir avec nous. Il a des lettres de recommandations irréprochables, vu qu'il travaille pour des grands shows comme LugRadio et sur des logiciels comme Jokosher, qui est utilisé depuis litéralement des lustres ;)

L'univers web de Ubuntu

Étant aussi populaire qu'il peut l'être, Ubuntu a engendré de nombreux sites web gérés par la communauté. Nous avons voulu en présenté deux cette semaine : Ubuntu Video et Ubuntu Counter.

Ubuntu Video

Ubuntu Video, géré par John Little, collecte et distribue les vidéos sur Ubuntu qui peuvent être utilisées pour des besoins qui vont du marketing à la documentation. John et l'équipe marketing Ubuntu se sont mis en contact, alors surveillez bien le site pour de futures collaborations. Pour le moment, allez visiter le site de John sur

The Ubuntu Counter

The Ubuntu Counter, run by Melissa Draper, counts Ubuntu users, nothing more. With almost 7000 registered users, over 9000 machines, and one digg-ing behind them, the Ubuntu Counter Project is off to a strong start. Go get yourself counted at

MOTU School

Have you always wanted to learn about development in Ubuntu?

Now you can enter the world of packaging and development in Ubuntu with this IRC lecture on “Ubuntu packaging basics” presented by raging Ubuntu-aholic MOTU [ JordanMantha (LaserJock)]. It was held at August 10 01:00 UTC and again at August 11 17:00 UTC in #ubuntu-motu-school on

Several people from the Ubuntu Forums showed up along with a few new faces from #ubuntu-motu – there were even a couple MOTU cameo appearances! Jordan took the crowd through one of his own packages, plotdrop}, by discussing details of packaging files and ending with a source package and shiny .deb built via pbuilder}. Each session was well attended and took 2 hours to get through, but in the end everybody agreed that it was worth their time.

More information on this and other MOTU School sessions, please visit

Ubuntu New User Mentors Classroom

The Ubuntu New User Mentors will be presenting a class on Saturday, August 19, 2006 at 18:00 UTC. The class, Introduction to the Command Line Interface (CLI), will present new users with the basics of the command line on their Ubuntu systems. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information on the Classroom visit

Mises à jour de sécurité

USN-333-1 libwmf vulnerability

New apps in Edgy

The ever busy Sebastian Bacher (described by GNOME hackers as sebuild, a play on jhbuild, which is used to build bleeding edge GNOME) and Daniel Holbach have finished uploading 'GNOME 2.15.91' otherwise known as GNOME 2.16 Beta 2, which is scheduled for release on September 6th.

Chuck Short has been busy packaging 'Xen' for Ubuntu and has recently uploaded support for amd64.

Per usual, the MOTUs have been busy with other new versions and syncs from Debian.

Updates to 6.06 LTS

Aside from the 6.06.1 point release, there were no updates to 6.06 LTS this week.

Summer of Code updates

Ubuntu was awarded 22 projects as part of Google's Summer of Code. We covered two last week, but here is the lastest information about two more projects:

'Consiel', a GNOME Launchpad front-end by Ploum: This application has reached version 0.1 and can now read bugs! More information can be found on his blog at

'py-education/amenity', a testing/quizzing system for Edubuntu by Ryan Rousseau: Formerly pyq, this has expanded to be py-education, a set of educational applications for the GNOME desktop, much as KDE-edu is for KDE. There are currently two applications being worked on: Amenity, an activity management system, and Quizzical, a quiz management system. Both of these have had several releases. More information can be found at the py-education homepage:

Bug stats

Total Bugs: 14028 (an increase of 178 over last week)

As always, the Ubuntu Bug Squad needs help. If you want to help Ubuntu get the numbers down please see

Every other Wednesday, the Ubuntu Bug Squad holds a “Hug-for-a-bug” Day. For more information please see or #ubuntu-bugs

Upcoming meetings

Various groups and teams in the Ubuntu community hold meetings on a regular basis. These meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting on and are open to all. A complete schedule can also be found in that channel's topic or on the [ Fridge calendar]. The following teams have scheduled meetings for the upcoming week:

À la une cette semaine - Gcompris

Gcompris, French slang for “I understand”, is an educational and entertaining application in Edubuntu. With over 70 different activities to keep kids ages 2 to 10 entertained, Gcompris forms a major part of the fun bits of Edubuntu. Of course, it can also be installed on the other variants of Ubuntu: Simply install the package gcompris}. More information can be found at the Gcompris website,

The obligatory screenshots:

Autres sources d'information

Comme d'habitude, vous trouverez encore plus de nouvelles et d'annonces sur :



Merci d'avoir lu la lettre hebdomadaire Ubuntu. À la semaine prochaine !


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